Good, Filling Nutrition is Important Throughout The School Day It powers the brain, helping students concentrate and learn well. How much food should I pack? Students eat three times a day at school: Fruit break (around 10am) Lunch (11:00-11:50am) Recess (1:25-1:50pm) Students eating will be monitored by the teachers each day from 11-11:10am. Please note: …
Asking for Help is Not Scary
Does Your Child Know How to Ask For Help? As you prepare your child to start school, it is very important that they know how to ask for help. This can be hard for some of us to do – even adults! How can I encourage my child to ask for help? Praise them when …
Shoes and Uniform 101
Prepare for School With the Right Uniform Here are our top tips: Buying shoes Buy shoes early. Help your child get used to their school shoes by wearing them around the house or to outings. Wearing the shoes in early will help avoid blisters. Then their play won’t be hindered as they make friends once …
Playing is Learning
Children love playtime because it’s fun. But did you know that play also helps them learn about the world and themselves? Play is central to a child’s learning and development. It helps them build confidence and develop social and movement skills. How to encourage play at home: Encourage unstructured play where your child can use …
“So, what did you do today?”
You get your child in the car and ask, “What did you do today?” They reply, “Nothing.” Sound familiar? This is a common answer to a BIG question. To a child, this question can feel overwhelming, but we want them to talk. Why? Talking helps develop the bond between you and your child. Engaging in …
Routine, Routine, Routine
We know babies benefit from strong routines and the good news is that nothing changes as they get older. Children fear what they do not know – new foods, new environments, new people. Routines help to create security and reduce stress and anxiety. Effective routines are well-planned and consistent, but routines look different for everyone. …
Sleep… Is It Time?
One of the most important things you can do for your child before they start school is to ensure they get plenty of good quality sleep. Why? Research shows that students who get adequate sleep have improved: ✅ Behaviour ✅ Attention ✅ Learning ✅ Overall mental and physical health So, how much? Primary school aged …
Grow Your Child’s Independence
Handy Tips for Growing Independent Children School is a big place, full of possibilities for your young child, and teaching them ways to be independent now will prepare them to bring their best to school every day. Why independence? Having a sense of control and being able to make simple choices can help increase your …