Gifted and Talented Education
Regents Park Christian School provides excellence in education that is centred in Christ. RPCS is dedicated to offering opportunities for our students to flourish in their God-given gifts and talents.
Regents Park Christian School recognises that Gifted and talented students:
- have individual learning needs, strengths, interests and abilities
- vary in their level of giftedness across and within learning areas
- vary in abilities and aptitudes demonstrated in a single area or across a variety of domains
- vary in level of achievement
- exhibit different learning behaviours.
In line with this recognition, Regents Park Christian School is implementing our GATEway (Gifted and Talented Education) 2.0 Blueprint across to Kindergarten to Year 12. The Blueprint, featuring 10 core focus areas, has been built on a strong and collaborative GATEway Policy. It ensures that Gifted and Talented students have access to a variety of enrichment, extension and acceleration options that are based on their readiness to learn. RPCS staff know that students are not just gifted during robotics club on Wednesday or at debating club on Fridays. We seek to provide multiple opportunities inside – and out – of the classroom so that students flourish alongside like minds.