On Friday 3 May, Mr Hammonds took Year 11 Business Studies students on an excursion to Sydney Tower Dining. Students in Year 11 Business Studies learn about the nature of business, how businesses operate including management, and the important roles that businesses play in Australian society. In the HSC course they will continue to learn about the four main aspects of business; Operations, Finance, Marketing and Human Resources. Students went on a tour of the business beginning in the basement kitchen areas in which so much of the business ‘activities take place out of the public eye. This was followed by a visit to the a la carte restaurant high up in the tower. This dining area and the buffet restaurant on the level above are the parts of the business that are visited by its customers. Throughout the tour students gathered information that they will use in completing their first assessment task of the Year 11 course. This will involve students analysing different aspects of the business and communicating their understanding in a formal business report. Following the conclusion of the tour students had the opportunity to enjoy an hour long buffet lunch during which they could partake in an ‘all you can eat’ banquet of a wide variety of fine foods while enjoying views of the city from on high. It is hoped that students found this an enjoyable and educational experience that provided them with insights in to a high profile business that enjoys a premium position in the Sydney tourism industry.