Could you solve the following problem?
A river runs from west to east. Colin’s hat has fallen in 28 metres upstream from the waterfall. Pepper the wonder dog is admiring the view 36 metres directly south of the waterfall. Pepper can run exactly three times as fast as the hat is being carried downstream. What is the minimum distance in metres that Colin’s hat must travel before Pepper can retrieve it?
This is one of the problems that Senior students were faced with in the Mathematics competition held on Thursday 27th July. 30 RPCS students sat this competition. They have the chance to be awarded with a certificate in the categories of High Distinction, Distinction, Credit or Proficiency. They also have the opportunity to win cash prizes!
Every year RPCS is awarded with certificates from this competition, regularly achieving at the Distinction and Credit levels. As soon as we receive the results we will let you know how the students went.