Food – The Fuel for learning Year 9 Food Technology is studying the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and examining their eating habits to see how well we all measure up. It was interesting to see that none of us (teachers included) are really meeting the guidelines well. Good nutrition helps us to learn. Hungry children cannot sustain the brain activity needed for learning new concepts, staying focused, or for problem solving. It also makes us ‘hangry’ and we are less able to regulate our emotions because our brains are busy thinking about fuel. Think of a hungry baby; they cry and really let us know what they need. Children are no different.
Angry, upset and misbehaving children are often hungry children. What do we need to do? Children need to start the day with breakfast. 2-4 Weetbix with milk makes a satisfying and inexpensive breakfast. Students need to bring food to school. Simple sandwiches with spreads, fruit and a water bottle that can be refilled are the minimum students need to maintain the energy needed to keep the learning process going. Let’s not waste our children’s schooling. Feed them to fuel them for learning